Sleep problems are very common. The impact that poor sleep can have on people’s lives is significant. The extent and frequency at which poor sleep occurs are variable and in many cases simple tips can make a big difference. This blog discusses a number of these advices, which you can already try at home to improve your sleep. If this does not help sufficiently, HelloDoc Health has both psychological and medical expertise to support you.
(Healthy) sleep
Why is sleep such an important topic? Healthy sleep has numerous healthy effects on people, both for the body, the mood and the brain. The main issue here is the quality of sleep itself. Prolonged exposure to poor sleep increases the risk of various medical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems but also of mental disorders such as anxiety or mood problems. Sleep is healthy and there are many things you can do yourself to improve your sleep!
What is important to know?
- The amount of sleep that is optimal for people varies, 6-10 hours, depending on genetics and age. You can find out your ideal amount of sleep while on vacation, for example, if you don’t set your alarm clock.
- The time it takes people to fall asleep varies greatly.
- It is normal to be briefly awake several times a night.
- The older you get, the lighter (and often shorter!) you sleep.

How can I improve my sleep (quality)?
It is possible to solve several problems with good sleep hygiene and these tips:
- Most importantly: try to keep a rhythm as much as possible, in the evening ánd morning (and avoid naps during the day).
- Make sure you schedule enough time for sleep.
- Only do relaxing activities two hours before going to bed (what classifies as relaxing varies from person to person, some people get very hyped from a book!).
- Be active physically during the day or in the early evening.
- Be careful with:
- Coffee (it takes a long time for caffeine to completely leave the blood)
- Alcohol (it undermines your sleep quality)
- Soft drinks with cafeine (keeps your active and stay awake)
- Food shortly before bed (keeps your digestive system active).
- Make sure your bedroom is dark and you only use your bed for sleeping and sexual activities. See: Even a little light in a bedroom could harm health.
- Make sure it is not too hot in your bed or bedroom.
- Do relaxation exercises if necessary.
- Follow this trick: Military-tested trick to fall asleep in 120 seconds.
What can we do for you?
If the problems persist, we will be happy to advise you!
What can HelloDoc Health do for you?
- We can further diagnose your sleeping problems and give you advice.
- We can support you with proven and highly effective psychological treatment.
- We can inform you about medication and, if indicated, prescribe it.
- We can treat your sleep disorder, insomnia and related health issues.
More information or book an appointment?
Would you like to discuss your sleep disorder, insomnia or related mental health issues (e.g. depression, burn-out, anxiety, anger, panic, stress and/or trauma) with a multilingual mental health therapist at HelloDoc Health? We have a great team of international mental health specialists (doctors, psychologists, psychiatrist) that can help and treat you. So please feel free to book a consultation at HelloDoc Health!
We are here to help you 24/7!
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Sources: Harvard University, NHG Richtlijnen, Sleepeducation