How can you collect medication for someone else?

Have you ever tried to pick up medicine for your sick partner, but the Dutch pharmacy did not give it to you? You are not the only one! This begs the question: what are the rules when you want to pick up medication for someone else in the Netherlands?

We explain it to you below.

Picking up medication for someone else

If you are unable to collect your medication from the pharmacy yourself, it would of course be nice if someone else could do it for you. Communication manager Dennis Mulkens of the Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy (KNMP), explains that the guideline states that you are allowed to pick up medication for someone else if you can identify yourself when offering the prescription and/or picking up the medication. Therefore, always take a valid proof of identity with you. If the pharmacist already knows or has seen the patient, it is not necessary to verify the identity again.

It is also up to the pharmacist to determine whether issuing medication to another person is justified. In doing so, the pharmacist considers whether there are any special risks involved. For example, if a child comes to collect the medication or if it is a person who is known to misuse the medication.

Privacy-sensitive medication

In addition, it is also examined whether the information accompanying a medicine can be transferred properly by someone else. This is particularly the case when medicines are dispensed for the first time. It is also taken into account whether it concerns privacy-sensitive information. In case of doubt about the transfer of information or the identity of the collector, the pharmacy will contact the patient or carer.

Authorisation form

Some pharmacies also use a special authorisation form. You can usually download these from the pharmacy’s website. After you have filled it in, you can hand it in at the pharmacy. Both the patient and the authorised person must sign the form. This can be a one-off authorisation or an authorisation for a longer period. Here too, the authorised person must always be able to show a valid identity document when collecting the medication.

Medicine safe

Nowadays there is also a medicine safe where you can pick up your medication at another time than the opening hours of the pharmacy. In this case, you need a code so that only you have access to your medication. You need to activate this service at the pharmacy before you can use a locker.

Medication home delivery

If you get a medication perscription or repeat prescription at HelloDoc Health, you can decide to have the medication delivered at your home (doorstep), office or holiday address in the Netherlands on the next business day.

Need medication, a prescription or repeat prescription?

In case you are in need of medication, please book a doctor consult at HelloDoc Health and you will be able to get to the pharmacy within 15-30 minutes or have your medication delivered at your doorstep the next business day!

We have a great team of international health professionals that can help you, so please feel free to book a video-based or on-site consultation at HelloDoc Health! 

Our virtual doctor consults (phone or video) start with 24.99 Euro per consult and most consults can be covered by your (international) health insurance. On-site doctor consults are possible as well.

We are here to help you!

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Sources: HelloDoc Health, RadarBENU Apotheek

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