Painkillers can be bought without a prescription. But they are not suitable for everyone!

Paracetamol is a good and safe painkiller if you use the right amount.
But you have to be careful if you have a liver disease. Or if you are taking paracetamol for more than 4 weeks. Then you can use less milligrams per day.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac also help against pain, but sometimes have serious side effects. Even if you only use them for a short time.

Therefore, always read the leaflet before using a painkiller. Check whether the painkiller is suitable for you. For example, find out if you can take it:

  • With your other medicines
  • If you have an illness
  • If you are 60 years of age or older.

If in doubt, please consult your HelloDoc Health doctor or our pharmacist for the best advice.


Medication prescription by HelloDoc Health

If we prescribe medicines or painkillers for you, you can usually collect them from a pharmacy the same day, or we can have them delivered to your home the next business day (in various European countries).


More information or book an appointment?

Would you like to discuss your pain issues with a doctor or mental health therapist? We have a large team of health professionals that can help you, so please feel free to book a video-based or on-site consultation at HelloDoc Health! Most consults can be covered by your (international) health insurance.

We are here to help you!

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