Women are most ashamed of the GP for these 8 disorders

Most women are so ashamed of a number of conditions that they hardly dare to contact their doctor. Especially complaints below the abdominal belt are taboo. However, it is wise to consult your doctor before things get worse. Most of these complaints can be remedied by a general practitioner and/or specialist at HelloDoc Health.

Usually the biggest taboos at the GP rest on disorders around the anus and vagina. In this article we have listed the most common taboos among women.

  1. Anal problems

People quickly find everything to do with the anus embarrassing. They are afraid of an investigation, because they literally have to expose themselves. Many people postpone the treatment of a condition such as hemorrhoids for a long time. However it is not necessary, because hemorrhoids are more common than patients think. Moreover, it is easy to treat. In addition to hemorrhoids, there are various other problems around the anus (proctology) that can often be treated well, provided that one contacts your doctor at HelloDoc Health in time.

  1. Vaginal dryness

Women of all ages can experience vaginal dryness. This is often caused by hormonal fluctuations (menstruation, pregnancy, pill use, menopause, menopause), drug use, certain diseases, alcohol use, smoking and/or stress. Only 25 to 30 percent of women with vaginal dryness dare to discuss this with their partner and only slightly more than half of women with this condition dare to discuss it with their GP.

  1. Farting

Gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract is a natural process. These gases are created during the digestive process, but also enter your body when you swallow and when you breathe. All that air eventually has to go somewhere, which is why we have an average of ten winds a day. Some ailments, illnesses and eating certain foods can cause us to wind up more than usual, but we don’t go to the doctor so quickly.

  1. Vaginal yeast infections and STIs

According to GPs, vaginal yeast infections and STDs (venereal diseases) are also a big taboo. But the GPs do notice a difference in age group. In general, young adults are more likely to talk about sex and STIs than older people. Up to the age of 35 they discuss much more freely what exactly they do, how many bed partners they have and whether they have sex with men or women or both. Are you not sure whether your complaints are the result of a fungal infection? For example, are you unsure whether your vaginal yeast infection is not an STI? Or are your complaints not going away? Always go to a general practitioner.

  1. Unwanted urine leakage (stress incontinence)

When you lose a few drops of urine while walking or just sitting still, it’s often not something you show off. The condition is commonly referred to as exercise incontinence or urinary stress incontinence. But for many women, the shame is so great that they do not dare to go to the doctor. And that while no less than a quarter of the women sometimes have to deal with it. In women who have given birth naturally and who are older than 40 years, even more than half of the women suffer from this and they often continue to walk around with it. A shame, because all kinds of treatments are possible. Sometimes a few sessions with a physiotherapist are enough to train the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, urine loss (incontinence) can in some cases be resolved through surgery and/or certain medication.

  1. Prolapse

Organ prolapse (prolapse) of the uterus, bladder and/or rectum can cause various unpleasant complaints. Sometimes it is the cause of incontinence. In addition to (chronic) pain, a prolapse can also cause a number of discomforts that can disrupt your daily life and sex life.

Going through with a prolapse is unnecessary, because there is usually an effective solution available. After a diagnosis is made by a doctor, the best treatment can be determined. This can be, for example, the placement of a pessary, a laser treatment (tightening of the pelvic floor muscles) or a minor surgical procedure (outpatient).

  1. Sexual problems

Pain during sex, fear of making love, not being able to have an orgasm, vaginismus, no longer wanting to make love, pain in your labia, labia too big, being a victim of sexual abuse, having a low libido or sex addiction? There are a myriad of topics in the sexual field that we would rather keep our mouths shut. And that’s not always smart. Because if the doctor makes the correct diagnosis, treatment can be started and you will usually be rid of your problems in the foreseeable future.

  1. Unfulfilled desire for children (fertility issues)

Many women with a desire to have children who – despite various attempts – do not immediately become pregnant, often continue with this for too long and often do not dare to discuss their fertility problem with their doctor. Mostly out of shame; because they feel they are the cause of the problem. However, the causes of not being able to get pregnant (quickly) can be very diverse and usually only emerge after an examination by the general practitioner. After making the diagnosis, the solution is sometimes simple (lifestyle adjustments, diet and/or medication) or a combination of treatments is proposed (for example, hormone therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, healthy lifestyle and/or healthy weight). If none of this works, you can determine in consultation with your gynecologist whether other treatments may be useful for you (e.g. IFV or ICSI treatment).

No taboos at HelloDoc Health

HelloDoc Health only employs experienced healthcare professionals who are attentive to your problems, who understand your possible shame and who will help you in a confidential and personal way with the best medical care and paramedical care.

Would you like more information or to book a telehealth consult with a doctor at HelloDoc Health? Then please book a consultation at HelloDoc Health!Or contact us directly by calling +31 85 201 30 73 or using our contact form.

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Sources: SHE. Health Clinics, GezondheidsnetRTL Nieuws

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