Women do a lot of things better than men when it comes to health. In this article we describe how men can learn from women when it comes to better taking care of their health and how we at HelloDoc Health can help you with it.
1. Catch more sleep
Women usually get more sleep than men. Many log at least 8 hours of shut-eye on weeknights. Both genders need between 7 and 9 hours a night. To help you nod off, make sure your room is dark and cool, and please leave devices like mobile phones, tablets, and TVs in another part of the house. No electronic devices in your bedroom!
2. Keep up with your buddies
Looking for a reason to get a group of guys together for a poker night? How about this? It could add years to your life. Women tend to have more friends. Having a group of pals you can have fun with and trust, can be quite healthy.
3. Kick your habits!
About 20 out of every 100 adult men smoke, while only 15 of 100 adult women light up. Whether you go through a couple of packs a day or only smoke every once in a while, it’s time to talk to your doctor about how to stop. HelloDoc Health is here to help! You can directly book a doctor consultation with us and we will help you quit smoking or kick one of your other unhealthy habits.
4. Back away from the bar and the booze
Ladies know when to say no better than guys do. They are only half as likely to abuse alcohol as men. That’s not the only bad news; men are also more likely to binge and to stay drunk longer.
5. Play it safer
Guess which gender takes more risks. Men are usually the ones who don’t wear seat belts, drive too fast, or make all-out war out of a friendly pickup basketball or soccer game. Slow down and think twice before you act, and wind up in the ER.
6. Keep you skin safe
Men spend more time in the sun. But they are less likely to use sunscreen correctly, if at all. Use enough to fill a shot glass, and reapply every two hours. It’s best to wear a hat, and to use sunglasses to protect your eyes.
7. Watch what you eat and drink
The healthy eating award goes to the gals. Men eat more meat, while women eat more fruits, fish, nuts and vegetables. Men are more likely to eat runny eggs, raw oysters, and nearly raw beef. The fact is, some guys just don’t want to eat their veggies. Don’t be that guy!
8. Wash your hands
Don’t touch that bathroom door handle. Way more women wash their hands more often (and better) than men; especially after they use a public restroom. That gets rid of germs that can cause disease. Plus, women are much more likely to use soap than men. Bottom line: If you don’t want to catch a cold, the flu, or something worse, just scrub down!
9. Get checked out
One way to stay healthy: Go to the doctor. Men are about twice as likely as women to say they haven’t seen a doctor in the past year. Don’t tough it out. Ask the doc how often you should come in and what tests they suggest for someone your age. Then make an appointment and get it over with. HelloDoc Health is here to help! You can directly book a doctor consultation with us.
10. Keep your mind healthy
While women may be more likely to get depressed, there’s also a better chance they’ll get help for it. Guys, the first step to shaking off the blues is to see a doctor or a mental health expert. The sooner you get started, the faster you’ll feel better. HelloDoc Health is here to help! You can directly book a mental health consultation with us.
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Sources: HelloDoc Health, WebMD